This video shows a 27-year-old male with an Annular Tear in the L5/S1 disc since December 2020.

He now 3 months into his rehabilitation.

When he first came to me us he suffered from pain in his lower back when doing simple day-to-day activities such as touching his toes or sitting down.

In addition to this, he had fears of not being able to squat in the gym and that “his disc might slip” or even he won’t be able to return to sport.

These are common fears many clients that come to us face. However, as you can see with the current loading, programming, and strengthening work this does not have to be the case.

Rehabilitation may be slow and although he still has some pain, as you can journey is worthwhile. Especially if it means you can return to training and a better day-to-day life rather than living with reduced movement and fear/anxiety of pain and re-injury.

The video is of three exercises in his programming. REMEMBER, there are no specific key exercises for back pain and it is all based on the client themselves.

For more information on physiotherapy and pain coaching drop me a message.

Also, check out my Pain Guidebook via