I talk about authentic confidence, especially with my coaching.

Authentic Confidence isn’t about being loud and cool. And it’s not about being the best at what you do.

Authentic Confidence is about owning who you are and being comfortable with yourself. You may not naturally be the loudest in the room but that doesn’t mean you can’t own your quietness and make an impact when needed.

Authentic Confidence is about owning who are and being able to EXPRESS yourself without fear of judgment, shame, or guilt AND be comfortable not being like everyone else.

More importantly, the ‘EMBODIMENT‘ part in my coaching is about really expressing your unique self on a physical level and not just internalizing it mentally. I mean there is one thing acknowledging what makes you different but another thing really expressing in.

To be able to fully EMBODY this confident version of yourself is tough but to get there you need to WANT to change.

You need to WANT to step into the unknown, past your comfort zone to change your life. It’s not always as simple as sitting down, imagining your ideal life, and waiting for it to show up.

Changing your life doesn’t have to be super hard thou. Changing your life can be starting the journey of peeling away from your old disempowering beliefs and starting to question your old way of thinking.

Sometimes authentic confidence begins is as simple as consciously deciding to start changing your perception and mindset around certain beliefs. As we start to embody the new empowering beliefs, “taking action” seems much easier and like magic, our life around also starts to change. We literally go from our old paradigm of thinking to a completely new paradigm where everything is completely different and easier.

My 12-week AUTHENTIC CONFIDENCE EMBODIMENT course is now open, where I take you through the journey of identifying emotional blocks and negative beliefs to help you overcome anxiety so you can become more expressive and build authentic confidence to help you create the life you want. If you are interested drop me a DM now.