3 life lessons I learned from dancing (see video above):
1) Self-expression
Through dance, I have learned to express myself more. I have been able to express my emotions (i.e. sadness or anger) and this has allowed me to release these emotions I would have usually suppressed. This self- expression has allowed me to bring out my more fun and authentic-self. Especially in breakin and hip-pop where I was forced to find and add my own flavour to the moves in order to stand out and not be like everyone else. This meant I had to dig deep and really ensure I started learning about what moves I enjoyed and what makes me happy. I found with time I was able to express myself more and be more intentional with the dance moves. There were times when I felt uncomfortable expressing myself especially with my anxiety but with time this also improved. I also found my fellow dancers were super supportive and encouraged me to be more expressive (especially with breakin and hip-pop).
See my public speaking video about self-expression: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bc8AOwjCkCE&t=11s
2) The Mind-body connection
The mind-body connection is the concept that our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes can positively or negatively affect your biological functioning.
This is a concept I was familiar with before but through dance, I felt this connection became deeper. I was able to understand what it meant to move with purpose and really connect my physical dance moves to the dance moves I visualised in my head.
Through dancing you learn this in many ways, one example is when you’re tired and you find yourself unable to visualise the dance moves step by step and then in most cases, this will translate to me being unable to execute the actual dance moves well.
3) Confidence
My confidence has definitely increased through dancing. I have been able to build confidence by 1) learning moves and gradually coming a better dance and executing moves well which has boosted my self-esteem 2) through being able to push myself outside my comfort zone whether that be through meeting and interacting with new people, through dancing on stage or in front of a crowd and stepping outside my comfort zone.