“I just want to feel UNDERSTOOD & not have my pain DISMISSED”

This is what a patient said to me during our pain coaching session after spending 9 months working with another GP & physio who kept dismissing her pain and not explaining what was wrong.

She felt she was going in circles and even had to write a list of questions when she visited the physio as she became frustrated and forgot what she wanted to ask purely because he didn’t listen to her and just “told her to do the exercises”, which she actually was doing despite making her pain worse.

Although one reasoning for her poor treatment was that the physio may not have understood load management and given her individualized exercises, another key concern is the lack of empathy demonstrated by the physio.

Yes, empathy is harder for some and but sometimes literally just listening and acknowledging patients can go far in helping them recover.

To put it simply sometimes just sit there, listen and nod your head, and if you don’t know what to do then tell them you don’t know or refer to someone else who can help.

In fact, it’s okay if you don’t have the answer because that way they can find someone who might and don’t have to suffer for longer #rantover

If you feel you can relate and feel overwhelmed with frustration, anger, and sadness (plus you’re suffering from physical) drop me a message and let’s see how it can help you.