Thank you, Jag for all the amazing help you have provided to me during my treatment with you for my chronic back pain after suffering from 2 slip discs and being in hospital. Physically the physio sessions have helped me heaps and I am able to function again. It’s been a hard 5 months but you have made all the physio sessions somewhat fun and informative. For me what makes you unique from other forms of treatment I have had on my back is that you understand how chronic pain and emotions/stress is related. I suffered from so much neuro pain before I was introduced to you and since all the sessions we have had the Coaching you do has helped me heaps!
The mind can be your biggest enemy or your best friend and with all the meditation exercises we do you seem to find the root cause of my stress. Jags has given me tips to help me not worry so much and also tips on what to do when I do feel stressed with my pain. I’m so glad you understand how much chronic pain and our mind is linked. My anxiety has definitely been reduced and I’m so much more confident with my body and pain. I don’t feel ashamed to be honest if I don’t feel okay mentally with my pain anymore.
Thanks so much for your support! I never would have thought I would be where I am today. Highly recommend you to everyone I meet! Wishing you all the best!